7] 각기 다른  Discrete Wavelet 변환 및 필터링 기법에 따른 초음파 영상 내 스페클 잡음 제거 비교 연구 / 대한전자공학회 / 2014 / Domestic Conference
6] Quantification of risk factors for osteoporosis using thresholding technique based on  trabecular microarchitectures of the proximal femur / ACS / 2014 / Domestic Conference
5] Anisotropic  diffusion-based texture preserving optical flow estimation using an  incremental multi-resolution approach / ISEEE / 2014 / International Conference
4] A comparison of risk factors in the retinal layer between  diabetic cystoid macular edema and postoperative cystoid macular edema after  cataract surgery based on a hierarchical approach / ICBEB / 2014 / International Conference
3] Quantification of risk factors for predicting diabetic cystoid  macular edema using hierarchical approach / ICSEA / 2014 / International Conference
2] Diagnosis  of osteoporosis by quantification of trabecular microarchitectures from hip  radiographs using artificial neural networks / BIC-TA / 2014 / International Conference
1] Predicting  osteoporosis by analyzing fracture patterns and trabecular microarchitectures  of the proximal femur from DXA images / CSA / 2013 / International Conference
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